
This tool creates visualizations of diversity for research, teaching and storytelling.

Our goals for designing and developing this visualization are to:

  • Increase awareness of diversity in the university for students
  • Help policymakers make data-driven decisions
  • Motivate other researchers and designers to develop innovative visualizations of diversity

Data Source

The source of our data is the Carleton Original Data Cubes (CODC). The CODC obtains the data from the Banner Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System. ERP is the primary system of record for Carleton University. ERP provides Carleton’s faculty and staff with access to financial, human resources and student information. The Institutional Research & Planning (OIRP) team maintains the ERP system.

The CODC contains information about the demographics of students. Demographic categories include student counts by sex, age, citizenship status, degrees, departments, academic years, and study status.

In May 2021, we downloaded the Fall term student demographics data from the CODC.

In August 2021, the OIRP team removed the CODC for to fix bugs and to introduce other reporting tools.

Due to the removal of the CODC, this visualization uses the downloaded data of Fall term student demographics from 2013 to 2021.

Design Choices

Landing Page

The landing page features a sunburst design. The design shows the hierarchical nature of the data and the proportion of uncollected to collected data.

Main Visualization Page

After clicking the "Visualize" button, the page will display a multi-ring diagram. The design allows for any combinations of attributes and a simple comparison between demographics.


Developer: Rahel Gunaratne

Rahel is a 4th-year student pursuing a degree in Software Engineering with minors in Physics and Computer Science. He is interested in machine learning, web development and data visualization.

Supervisor: Dr. Fateme Rajabiyazdi

Dr. Rajabiyazdi is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering at Carleton University. Her research focuses on designing, developing, and evaluating interactive data visualization systems.

EDI Consultant: Dr. Gananatha Subrahmanyam

Dr. Subrahmanyam is a researcher in the social sciences at the University of Ottawa with more than ten years of experience in the field of diversity studies in the Canadian and international contexts. He also has a previous background in government advertising and public opinion research.
